Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just Like My Father

We watched the play-in game between the Twins and White Sox last night. The family was together (except the oldest who was working) watching our beloved Twins. It was a really good game; great pitching, tough defense with a play at the plate, and one home run. We weren't excited about the outcome (Sox won 1-0), but it was still a great game.

After the game we were pulling ourselves off the couch to get the kids into bed. My six year old hopped off my lap and then exclaimed, "I didn't want those stinkin' white sox to win...oh well, there's always next year."

When I stopped smiling, I started to think. Neither my wife nor I had commented to her about the outcome of the game. We had not coached her to call the other team names or lamented that the Twins were indeed done for the year. She had picked all of this out of our conversations before the game. (the "stinkin" part comes from her mother!)

Again, I learn about God through my children. His desire for us is that we become more like him. There are times when we are coached on what to do and say through Scripture. There are other times though when our behavior emulates that of our Father in Heaven simply through the time we spend with Him. Just like my daughter sounds like her mother and me because she hangs out with us...we will sound like our Father the more we hang with Him.

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